Author name: Dewang Goyal

Dewang Goyal, Director at Alpha Infolab, focuses on the company’s IPv4 business through He specializes in sourcing unused IPv4 addresses for various companies, including ISPs, telecom companies, and Fortune 500 firms. With a background in computer networks and data center management, coupled with a degree in Computer Science and a CCNA certification, Dewang brings a wealth of knowledge to his role.

Why brokers are important in the IPv4 address market

The role and value proposition of brokers within the IPv4 address market might not be immediately evident to everyone. During a recent networking technology conference, a conversation with a fellow attendee revealed a common misconception: the belief that brokers inflate address prices. This perspective, while understandable, doesn't capture the full spectrum of benefits brokers bring to the table. Sourcing Unused.

IPv4 Transfer Stats – May 2024

In May, the number of IPv4 transfers increased compared to April. RIPE completed the highest number of transfers (479), followed by ARIN (361), APNIC (173), and LACNIC (14). Let's see what happened with each Regional Internet Registry below: ARIN saw an increase in transfers, rising from 219 in April to 361 in May. APNIC recorded an increase in transfers, with.

Limitations of IPv4 overcome by IPv6

IP addresses are the backbone of the Internet, a massive network that connects billions of devices. As the digital world changed, so did the limitations of IPv4 addressing. In this article, we explore these limitations and how IPv6 addresses them, paving the way for a more interconnected future. IPv4: A Brief Overview What is the limitation of the ipv4 protocol.

Bridge an IPv6 network with IPv4 using NAT 64

The IPv4 exhaustion and rise of IPv6 What is NAT 64? How does NAT 64 work? Advantages of NAT 64 DNS64: The companion to NAT64 Types of NAT 64 Stateless vs. Stateful: Which is superior? Lastly Frequently Asked Questions As businesses expand, their need for internet capacity increases, pressing against the limitations of the IPv4 protocol. The newer IPv6 protocol.

IPv4 Transfer Stats – April 2024

In April, the number of IPv4 transfers decreased compared to March. RIPE completed the highest number of transfers (600), followed by ARIN (219), APNIC (115) and LACNIC (3). Let's see what happened with each Regional Internet Registry: RIPE saw a small drop in transfers, with 600 in April compared to 657 in March. ARIN saw a decrease in transfers, dropping.

IPv4 Datagram Header

Have you ever wondered how messages and information travel across the internet so quickly and accurately? At the heart of this journey is the IPv4 Datagram Header. An IPv4 Datagram Header is a crucial component of the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4), which is used for routing Internet traffic and other packet-switched layer networks such as Ethernet. The header plays.

IPv6 or IPv4, which works better with a VPN?

The Internet depends on a system called the Internet Protocol (IP), to send data from one computer to another all over the world. For a long time, IPv4 was the only IP version used. It started running out of space because more devices kept connecting to the internet. That's when IPv6 came into play, offering a much larger space for.

Understanding IP address geolocation

IP address geolocation is a technology used to determine the geographical location of a device using its Internet Protocol (IP) address. This process is essential for various online applications and platforms, enabling them to provide localized experiences, adhere to regional laws and regulations, and enhance security measures among other benefits. In this blog post, we will explore what IP address.

The Economics of Internet: Why are IPv4 Addresses Costly?

How is the price of IPv4 addresses determined? Why is there a need for IPv4 addresses when IPv6 addresses are available? Compatibility Issues  Legacy Systems  Migrating to IPv6  Can the cost of IPv4 addresses decrease in the future? What are the alternatives to purchasing expensive IPv4 addresses? IPv4 addresses are limited in number, with a total of approximately 4.3 billion.

Benefits of using IPv4 over IPv6 in certain situations

IPv4 has powered the internet for decades, and while IPv6 brings more addresses and features, it's not always the clear choice for every situation. Some networks, applications, and devices still rely on the simplicity and compatibility of IPv4. In this article, we'll break down the specific advantages of sticking with IPv4, even as the world gradually shifts towards IPv6. Infrastructure.
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