The evolution of Internet Protocols

Evolution of IP

The digital age has made leaps and bounds in fundamentally changing the way we live our lives. The internet has evolved from early telex systems to today’s virtually instantaneous exchange of data and information. However, as seamless as the end-user experience appears, it is facilitated by a complex set of ‘rules’ – internet protocols. From simple beginnings in the ARPANET era to sophisticated developments in IP versions and application-layer protocols, our communication landscape has dramatically evolved over time.


The earliest precursors of modern internet protocols can be traced back to the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) in 1969. Under the directive of the U.S. Department of Defense, ARPANET connected multiple universities and research centers, facilitating the exchange of electronic data.

The Network Control Program (NCP) was developed to manage communication on this network, viewed as the predecessor of modern internet protocols. This host-to-host protocol sent and received messages, handled routing, and allowed for network interface, effectively creating a common, shared network system.

While NCP was a key player in the foundational years of the Internet, it had its limitations — it wasn’t designed for networks of networks. Soon, the expansion in scope of network systems necessitated a more potent solution.

Enter TCP/IP

The introduction of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the late 1970s revolutionized the digital networking landscape. Designed by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn, TCP/IP not only addressed the issues of its precursor, the NCP, but also paved the way for the evolution of modern internet protocols.

The TCP/IP protocol suite consists primarily of two protocols i.e., the TCP, which handles assembling packets for transmission and reassembling them at the destination, and the IP, which defines the way data is sent and received over networks.

This groundbreaking creation was instrumental in providing a common language for all networks and systems to communicate. In 1983, ARPANET adopted the TCP/IP protocol suite, incorporating the subnet structure which partitioned the network into smaller parts.

World Wide Web & HTTP

The late 1980s and early 1990s heralded another significant revolution — the advent of the World Wide Web, primarily due to another application-layer protocol, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

Created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991, HTTP is the protocol used for transferring hypermedia documents, allowing for a more dynamic and interactive experience. Soon, web browsers, another innovation of this era, leveraged HTTP to retrieve webpages, images, and other resources hosted on servers, transforming the labyrinth of interconnected network systems into a more user-friendly and accessible platform.

HTTP has since evolved through versions — from the first, HTTP/0.9, to HTTP/2 and the latest, the HTTP/3. Each version aims to improve speed, performance, and security in data transfer, enhancing user experience and providing room for future growth.

Email protocols

The 1980s also saw the birth of various protocols that would shape how we communicate, none perhaps more significant than those controlling email. SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols emerged in close succession. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) was developed for mail transfer, while Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) and Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) allowed users to retrieve emails from servers.

IP versions and IPv4’s limitations

While protocols like HTTP and SMTP occupied the application layer of the TCP/IP suite, significant transformation took place at the internet layer — with the progression of internet protocol versions.

The first version to attain widespread adoption was Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4), used for packet-switched linkage of heterogeneous computers. It used a 32-bit address space, theoretically allowing for approximately 4.3 billion unique addresses — a number that was predicted to last indefinitely.

However, concepts like smart homes, Internet of Things (IoT), and vast developments in interconnected digital technologies led to an unforeseen rapid exhaustion of IPv4 addresses, necessitating the birth of a new protocol.


To address IPv4 shortcomings, Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) was proposed. Sporting a 128-bit address space, it offers nearly unlimited unique IP addresses, accommodating an ever-growing landscape of devices online. Besides, it brings improvements in areas like routing, network autoconfiguration, and end-to-end connectivity.

However, migration from IPv4 to IPv6 is slow primarily because of challenges including compatibility issues between the two protocols. While IPv6 adoption is increasing, many organizations currently use a dual-stack approach, supporting both IPv4 and IPv6.

What’s next?

As the internet expands, a growing array of devices join the network, influencing the evolution of internet protocols. With emerging challenges like intensified cybersecurity threats or the advent of quantum computing, new protocols will no doubt rise. The thrilling question thus continues to be, what’s next in the realm of internet protocols?

Also Read: NIXI pushes IPv6 adoption in India

Frequently Asked Questions

How does IP packet filtering relate to the protocols discussed in the evolution of Internet Protocols?

IP packet filtering is a method used in firewalls to control the flow of data packets based on the IP protocol versions, such as IPv4 or IPv6. It assesses packets against a set of rules to determine if they should be allowed through a network, which is critical in managing data transmission and ensuring security across evolving internet protocols.

Why are firewall rules important when considering the transition from IPv4 to IPv6?

Firewall rules are crucial in the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 because they ensure secure and seamless communication between different IP protocol environments. As IPv6 introduces a vastly larger address space and different packet structures, firewall rules must be updated to manage these changes effectively and maintain network security.

What are the current uses of IPv6?

IPv6 supports IoT, mobile networks, CDNs for better routing and latency, and cloud services for scalability.

Does IPv6 support larger payloads compared to IPv4?

IPv6 supports larger data payloads than IPv4, accommodating up to 4 GB per packet with the Jumbo Payload option, reducing the need for packet fragmentation in high-bandwidth applications.

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